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Kuppies Banana Walnut Cake 125 Gm

Weight 0.125 kg
SKU: GPS1557

59.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹57.00.

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The Dr. Oetker Kuppies Banana Walnut Cake is a great option to serve your guests at a party.?

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The Dr. Oetker Kuppies Banana Walnut Cake is a great option to serve your guests at a party. The rich walnuts and the creamy bananas make this Dr. Oetker Kuppies Banana Walnut Cake the perfect snack for everyone. Serve this delicious and rich cake the next time you throw a birthday bash or have a brunch at home. The walnuts in this cake a super nutritious and great for brain health while the bananas add texture, flavour and health benefits.