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Nutrust Probiotic Green Tea 20 Sachet




185.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹167.00.

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Nutrust Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates in China and used for more than 4000 years now, but it has become associated with many cultures throughout world.?

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SKU: LHLNUTB05 Category: Tag:


Nutrust Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates in China and used for more than 4000 years now, but it has become associated with many cultures throughout world. It is a mild and enjoyable with many health benefits. Drinking Green tea can have a positive effect on vital organs. The mean content of flavanoids in a cup of green tea is higher than that in the same volume of other food and drink items that are traditionally considered of health contributing nature, including fresh fruits, vegetable juices or wine. Flavonoids are a group of petrochemicals present in most plant products that are responsible for health effects

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